New Registration

Privacy NoticeThe FRA will use the information you provide to coordinate the admissions process. Your information will be processed in line with our privacy policy, which can be found on the link below.

Please provide your first name.

*Sex assigned at birth is captured by the FRA as a legal requirement

Your Postal Address

Your Contact Details


Learning Difficulty, Disability, and Health Problems

Please tick the boxes which you are affected by.

Visual Impairment:

Hearing Impairment:

Disability Mobility:

Profound complex disabilities:

Social and emotional difficulties:

Mental health difficulty:

Moderate learning difficulty:

Severe learning difficulty:



Autism spectrum disorder:

Aspergers syndrome:

Temporary disability after illness (for example post-viral) or accident:

Speech, Language and Communication Needs:

Other physical disability:

Other specific learning difficulty (e.g. Dyspraxia):

Other medical condition (for example epilepsy, asthma, diabetes):

Other learning difficulty:

Other disability:

Prefer not to say:

Tick here if you have an Education Health Care Plan:

Tick here if you were subject to a statement of special educational needs while at school:

Tick here if you had any previous exam concession (reader, scribe, extra time etc.):

Additional Information

Subscription Preferences

Please set your contact preferences below.

We would like to keep in touch with you and tell you about all the exciting news here at the Fashion Retail Academy. You’ll be the first to know about new courses, events and last minute spaces to make the most of your future in fashion. If you opt out we will still contact you with essential information regarding your registration or application. To opt in, simply tick the boxes below.

This will allow you to access the FRA portal to pay your fees and enrol onto your course.